Friday, May 16, 2008

If you don't have anything nice to say...

then lie to me via email. ainsleydrew at gee male dot calm.

Stay tuned for my introduction to Generation Hex as I explore Wicca for a month. And please check out Jerk Ethic. It’s kind of like documenting someone tripping up a flight of stairs. In the funny way.

If you need anything written, anything at all, shoot me a line. Actual starvation makes sex with me kinda like fucking a bicycle, if bicycles were prone to weeping.


Here’s a bit of ego-stroking from some businesses who helped me go vegan:

“You have an awesome blog.”
Elizabeth and Erin McKenna of BabyCakes in New York City

“Thank you for your wonderfully kind words! I am happy to make your and /or your friends salivary glands 'dance' anytime. I hope to cook for you again soon.”
Bonnie Downey from the Paradox Café here in Portland

“It’s sweet”
Kelly Tisdale of teany


extra special thanks to
ministry of imagery

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Hey, I hope I'm not out-of-line coming over to your blog to comment on what you said on my blog - but Ainsley, I really must thank you directly. Your comments on both of the posts where I talked about Himself and the surgery were so very kind and uplifting, I was blown away with gratitude. I carried your words around in my head for the first couple of days after the surgery, and they cheered me up.

So, yes. Thank you so much for taking the time to be so sweet to a mediocre food blogger and stranger who was having it tough.